Scrambling For Short Term Furnished Housing in Tallahassee!

Unfortunately, my woodworking shop suddenly became defunct when a pipe burst and flooded the entire warehouse. This meant I needed to scramble to find another woodshop from which I could fulfill my existing orders which took me to Tallahassee FL where I was able to also book my own short term furnished housing in Tallahassee through Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida.

These kinds of unfortunate disasters can strike anyone at any time, which I learned the hard way after thinking my woodshop was infallible. Because it can be nearly impossible to predict what kinds of disasters will strike and when, simply having a general backup and contingency support network can be invaluable.

With Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida, I am able to maintain this kind of contingency plan because I know that I will always have a nice, short term furnished housing in Tallahassee  through their services when I need one. This is exactly what happened when my woodshop flooded and I needed to navigate the unknown.

If you had asked me a month ago where I would be and what I would be doing, I never would have anticipated that I would be in Tallahassee FL trying my hardest to fulfill existing orders with someone else’s equipment. However, despite the struggle that this process has entailed, I do feel somewhat stronger as a result of knowing that I can navigate these kinds of challenges when they arise.

I believe it to be a major point of strength to have a network at which one can drive support. The amazing services provided by Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida are exactly the kind of thing that I believe everyone should have on hand in the event of an emergency. The short term furnished housing in Tallahassee that I have been calling my own while I am here is seriously a home away from home.

Despite the panic that I felt when I walked into my shop the day that it flooded, I now feel somewhat of a sense of serene peace. I also consider myself to be a type-A personality with a need to control my environment, so letting go has been somewhat of a challenge, but at least I have the right services to help me through it all.

I would not wish a flooded workshop on anyone, but if this does happen to someone else, I would hope that they immediately call Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida and book a short term furnished housing in Tallahassee if they have a need to work out of Tallahassee FL. Having this backup plan has proved immeasurably helpful to me, and I know others would benefit as well if they are in a similar situation in the future.

— Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida invites you to contact them at or 800-741-9519 to assist you with all your short term furnished housing in Tallahassee  needs.–